The Legend of Zelda games are high fantasy role-playing action video games created by the Japanese game makers and designers, namely Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka. Zelda games are then developed and published by Nintendo and are considered one of their most important franchises.
Zelda games include a combination of adventure, action and solving puzzles. The game series centers on the girl Link, the main character of the game. She is usually given the task of rescuing Princess Zelda in the most common setting from Ganon or Ganondorf who is the main antagonist. Nevertheless, other antagonists and settings have appeared throughout the games and Vaati recently became the secondary antagonist.
The Legend of Zelda games usually includes a relic known as Triforce, a set of there golden triangles. Link holds it for courage, Princess Zelda holds it for wisdom and Ganon holds it for power.
As of April this year, the Legend of Zelda series has sold more than 59 million copies since the release of its first game and continues to be successful all throughout the world. The elements found in these types of video-games have remained constant through the series, but with additions and refinements featured in a new game.